Fancy style with cigars
A cigar is a
tightly rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco which is ignited so that
its smoke may be drawn into the mouth. The cigar is a common symbol of wealth,
power, and sophistication. Cigars are considered to have a higher class
compared to ordinary cigarettes. Until now, cigars still maintain a strong
elegant image.
There are two
main types of cigars: the first is made with a single type of tobacco, called
"puros," and the second is made with a blend of different types of
tobacco, called "blends." Puros are typically made in Cuba, the
Dominican Republic, and other countries in Central and South America, while
blends are more common in the United States and other countries.
Cigars are made
from the leaves of the tobacco plant, which are harvested and then cured
through a process of drying and fermentation. After the tobacco leaves have
been cured, they are sorted by color, type, and quality. The best leaves are
reserved for the outer layers of the cigar, while the lower-quality leaves are
used for the inner layers.
To make a
cigar, the tobacco leaves are first peeled from the stalks and then carefully
rolled into a cylindrical shape. The cigar is then wrapped in a tobacco leaf or
a piece of paper to hold it together.
There are a
variety of cigar sizes and shapes, including the classic "corona"
shape and the larger "Churchill" shape. The size of a cigar is
measured by its length and its diameter, which is called the "ring
Cigars are
often enjoyed by smoking them slowly over a while, sometimes lasting for an
hour or more. They are typically enjoyed after a meal, with a glass of brandy
or whiskey, and are considered a leisurely and luxurious activity.